Life groups are a way to make meaningful connections at Central and to learn from each other. If you are interested in joining a Sunday morning, Wednesday evening, or a Seasonal Life Group click the button below.

For any questions or help getting connected, please contact our Discipleship Pastor Bethany Acre at


Led by: Todd Hayes

  • Sunday Mornings at 9:00 AM

  • Room: Fellowship Hall, 100A (Lower Level)

We are a group of primarily 30 to 50 something adults who gather together for a discussion based lesson covering various topics, typically by a well-known Christian author.

Faith in Action
Led by: Jeff Sykes

  • Sunday Mornings at 9:00 AM

  • Room: Fellowship Hall, 100C (Lower Level)

Faith in Action is an intergenerational class that meets to pray, think, and discuss what it means for us to become part of God's ongoing story of redemption in the world. Together we study Scripture and various books, and always mix in a healthy dose of laughter because we also believe we shouldn't take ourselves too seriously.

I-Gen Group
Led by: Duane Brush

  • Sunday Mornings at 9:00 AM

  • Room: Fellowship Hall - Open Area (Lower Level)

We are an inter-generational class (based on Psalm 90:1-2) that has been together for about 2 years. We teach mostly topical bible studies and basics of the Christian faith.

In His Steps…What Now?
Led by: Graham MacCallum and Peggy Poteet

  • Sunday Mornings at 10:30 AM

  • Room: Fellowship Hall, 100C (Lower Level)

We use the Foundry materials in a lecture-discussion class. We are very open to new members and seek to grow together and support one another in prayer.

Young Adults
Led by: Jonathan Acre

  • Sunday Mornings at 9:00 AM

  • Room: 230 (Upper Level)

We are a group of 18-30(ish) year-olds who are seeking to dive deep into scripture and grow our faith within this community.

Brazilian Ministry Small Group
Led by: Pastors Howie & Joyce Tempel

  • Wednesday Evenings from 7:00-8:00 PM

  • Room: 202 (Upper Level)

Led by: Frank Moore

  • Sunday Mornings at 10:30 AM

  • Room: Upper West Commons (Upper Level)

The Journey Class is a Bible study group open to all adults. It meets in the second session every Sunday morning. Bible studies are based on the scope and sequence for studying the entire Bible that is prepared by The Foundry Publishing. The teaching format invites group discussion with a wide variety of biblical and life application insights from participants. The group shares together in frequent social activities.

Salt & Light
Led by: Joe Magnant

  • Sunday Mornings at 10:30 AM

  • Room: 108 (Lower Level)

We use The Foundry curriculum and various other material. We engage in reading and critical thinking dialog trying to relate material to current day living.

The Study
Led by: Darren Reed

  • Sunday Mornings at 9:00 AM

  • Room: 108 (Lower Level)

The Study is a less-formal discussion-based group open to all ages, stages, and backgrounds. Each week we take a deeper dive into the scripture Pastor Mark uses in preparing his sermon, hoping to fully engage our mind in worship. We'd love you to join and add to the discussion as we do our best to correctly handle the word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15).

Young Families
Led by: Adam McAdoo

  • Sunday Mornings at 10:30 AM

  • Room: Fellowship Hall, 100C (Lower Level)

We are a community of couples with kiddos and young marrieds who meet for teaching, discussions, and resourcing as we journey in discipleship together.

Young Adults
Led by: Hogan and Cortlyn Spencer

  • Sunday Mornings at 10:30 AM

  • Room: Fellowship Hall, 102 (Lower Level)

We are a 20 - 30 somethings group made up of single and newly married who are wanting to dive deep into scripture and grow in community.


Firm Foundation
Led by: Adam Rhodes

  • Wednesday Evenings from 6:30-8:00 PM

  • Room: 205 (Upper Level)

This class is all about people dedicated to growing deeper in relationship with God and enjoying fellowship with each other.

Hispanic Ministry Small Group
Led by: Pastors David & Tabita Gonzalez

  • Wednesday Evenings from 6:30-8:00 PM

  • Room: 104 (Lower Level)


Moms’ Bible Study
Led by: Tiffany Luchies

  • 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

  • 2nd and 4th Monday of each month

  • Room: 104 (Lower Level)

This group will start again on September 9. Childcare will be provided.

Young Adult Men’s Small Group
Led by: Kadin Heacock &
Jordan Baker

  • 6:30-7:30 PM on Tuesdays

  • Room: 104

All young men are invited to join us as we dive into scripture and ask difficult questions to strengthen our faith.

Young Adult Women’s Small Group
Led by: Jessica Kyle

  • 6:30-7:30 PM on Tuesdays

  • Room: Student Center

All young women are invited! We aim to do life together and seek God in the process. Join us for a community of ladies striving to love God deeper and love people better!