The mission of the partnership is to develop relationships in the North Central Mesoamerican field that will last. We want to build friendships and learn how we can be a resource to them as they work on their vision to grow churches and develop new leaders. We hope to learn from each other through worship, witness, and ministering with each other. Guatemala will be our initial base of operations, but locations can change as our partnership develops.
One of the ways we participate is through sending Global Outreach (GO) Teams to North Central Mesoamerica to partner with our sisters and brothers in Christ. We will be based out of the Nazarene Center in Guatemala City to begin. Central has committed to sending two teams a year for a minimum of three years. The GO Teams will travel to Guatemala to teach, learn, and encourage current and future leaders in ministry. We will do some physical work, as well. We plan to work and minister side-by-side through various services and events.
We are so excited to join in with what God is already doing in this area! They have a rich history from which we hope to learn. We praise God for this new opportunity to work alongside Christ followers in Central America and pray that God will be glorified through these experiences.
For more information about how you can be involved in a GO Team or to contribute financially, please contact the Partnership Coordinator, Pete DeMars.
To download an application for one of our trips, click here. Para Español, aquí.
Please fill out the application and email to Pete DeMars.
Upcoming Trips
July 4-12, 2020 - Cost: $1400
* This trip will focus on these areas:
- Emphasis on children & youth. Families are encouraged to join us.
- Possible teaching opportunity in schools with children & parents.
- Further pastoral care training.
- Work project