SEPTEMBER 28, 2023

Dear Central Church,

Jesus said in John 21, “As the Father has sent me, so am I sending you.” We are a “sent” people, and we are called to engage our world with the good news of Jesus. We are part of a global movement that takes this call seriously! The Church of the Nazarene has established churches or missionaries in 165 world areas.

“Faith Promise” weekend is coming up next week. This annual emphasis on the local and global mission of the church highlights what Nazarenes are doing across the world and invites us to participate in God’s mission here in the Greater KC area.

Faith Promise weekend begins with Engage Day when we come together and extend to others the life-giving community we have experienced from God. It’s filled with meaningful service projects that impact our community for Christ. Engage Day is October 7 and begins at the church at 8:30 AM with breakfast and devotional time. We are then sent to our various projects, most of which will conclude around 2 PM. To see a list of available projects and to sign up, click here.

We are especially encouraging Life groups to sign up together for a project. Groups that serve together, grow together!

Sunday, October 8, is Faith Promise Sunday where we celebrate our global connection with what God is doing in places we could never go. We’ll hear from Rev. Astrid Camacaro, who is the regional coordinator of compassionate ministries for the South American Region. She will share how our support of the World Evangelism Fund enables local churches in global contexts to transform their communities through ministries of compassion and justice.

To learn more about Faith Promise, check out this video from our NMI President, Kristin Encarnacion.

Through this annual emphasis on the global and local mission of the church, we will be challenged to support what God is doing around the world by making a “faith promise.” This is a promise we make in faith to give over and above our regular tithes and offerings. Our goal this year for Faith Promise is $175,000. This is a God-sized goal, but I believe with the Lord’s help we can do it!

Until He’s Finished,

Pastor Mark


OCTOBER 5, 2023


SEPTEMBER 21, 2023