June 29, 2023

Dear Central Church, 

He came to Jesus at night because it would be scandalous to see him during the day. Nicodemus is one of the most intriguing characters in the story of Jesus. He’s a prominent leader among the Jews, a person of power and influence. The things Jesus said and did piqued his curiosity, and he wanted to know more. 

The journey of Nicodemus is told in John 3 where he is presented as both curious and skeptical. He eventually comes to believe in Jesus, but not until after the crucifixion. 

The road marked by curiosity, skepticism, and faith is familiar for us. In fact, as we think about a world that is increasingly disconnected from the Church and in some ways hostile to faith, the growth of the church in places like the United States will largely be characterized by similar journeys. 

Jesus says something to Nicodemus and to modern skeptics on the way: “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8) Jesus is describing the work of the Spirit in moving us from skepticism to faith. It’s not a journey that we can control. Rather, the Spirit blows and leads us. Our only response is to follow the leading of the Spirit, even when it goes against logic or that which we can verify. This is the Spirit’s work in leading us to saving faith. 

We are never alone, even before we come to faith in Christ. We believe in “prevenient grace.” It’s grace that goes before our conversion, leading us to a relationship with Jesus. This is the “saving presence” of the Holy Spirit that I’m excited to share with you on Sunday morning. I hope you’ll join us as we lean into the questions of Nicodemus. If you’ve ever had similar questions, this Sunday is for you! 

Also, if you know a friend who is asking those questions, this would be a GREAT Sunday to invite them to Central Church as we explore them together! 

Until He’s Finished, 

Pastor Mark  


July 6, 2023


June 15, 2023