July 13, 2023

Dear Central Church, 

It’s no accident that one of the dominant metaphors in scripture for the church is a human body. Even though they are composed of people from many different backgrounds, the Holy Spirit brings together a motley crew of humanity to form the local church. It’s a living, breathing, growing body with many different parts, each essential to the mission of God. 

Several months ago, the Snodgrass family was grafted into the story of Central Church. One thing that is unmistakable as you learn the story of our church is how many “heroes” we have. There are men and women in our history who have done great things for the Lord and made significant investments in others. 

On Tuesday, I had the chance to tell one of those heroes how much I appreciated his ministry. Rev. Warren Koker was the first full-time associate pastor at Central, serving as youth pastor and probably doing whatever else the senior pastor told him to do. Those extra duties were covered in an obscure reference on most job descriptions of that day that said, “All other duties as assigned by the senior pastor.” 

Warren served with distinction, grace, and joy, pointing others to Jesus through his life and witness. Together with Diane, his wife of 57 years, Warren had a long and fruitful ministry that has impacted countless lives, many of whom are still a part of Central. 

On Wednesday, someone else told Warren how much they appreciated his ministry. Jesus welcomed him into eternity by saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” 

Warren’s life produced fruit. The fruit of his life wasn’t temporary or fleeting. It was what Jesus describes in John 15 as “fruit that remains.” It was regular and consistent. I’m thanking God today for my brother Warren Koker, and I’m also thinking of how my life can produce the kind of fruit that I saw in his. 

Jesus calls us to “abide” in Him. He uses the image of a vineyard and reminds us that “abiding” in the vine is the only way our life can produce the kind of fruit that lasts for eternity. 

There are indeed “heroes” among us whose lives bear the eternal fruits of love, joy, and peace. As we say goodbye to one who lived this out so well, the question for us becomes, “Does our life produce this kind of fruit?” If not, I have good news for you: it can! Join us this Sunday as we explore John 15 together, and let’s renew our commitment to abide in the Vine. 

Until He’s Finished, 

Pastor Mark  


July 20, 2023


July 6, 2023