May 23, 2024

Dear Central Church,

Jesus tells a parable about a wealthy landowner who entrusts significant resources into the care of three different workers. The workers who do well with that which was entrusted to them hear this praise from the landowner, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” The goal of the Christian life is to one day stand before the Lord and hear those words pronounced over us. 

Last Friday, our friend Bill Snyder heard those words as he passed from this life and into eternity with Jesus. 

One cannot talk about Bill’s life without talking about Central Church. He loved our church and its mission. One of the core values of our congregation is “life-giving community.” It simply means you belong here! It doesn’t matter who you are, what you’ve done, or where you’ve been, there is a place here for you. This is baked into our DNA because of Bill. He wanted everyone to find their place at Central. 

It’s my honor and privilege to lead a Celebration of Life for Bill on Saturday. There will be a time of visitation with family in the sanctuary at 10 am and the service will commence promptly at 11 am. Please keep Marion and the entire family in your prayers as they walk through this time of grief. 

Returning to Jesus’ parable of the talents, Pastor David Goodwin has accepted a new position as the Lead Pastor of the Pataskala Church of the Nazarene in Ohio. David and Megan are a “5-talent” couple, and we are sad to see them go. We believe, however, God has great things in store for them. David has served admirably and with great distinction as our youth pastor. We are making plans to honor them before we send them into this new role, so be on the lookout for those details. 

Finally, I wanted to share with you the results of our church board elections. Like the parable, these are the people that God has put into place as stewards of our church and its mission. They are capable leaders who exhibit great love for God, others, and Central Church. You have elected the following at-large board members to a 3 year term: Roger Alexander, Nic Nelson, Terry Patnode, and Stacey Lareau. You have also elected Erica Rasnick, NYI President; Kristin Encarnacion, NMI President; and Frank Moore, NDI Chairperson. 

I have no doubt that everyone who puts their faith in Jesus and trusts in him will one day hear those words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Until then, however, we have a mission. By following in the example of Bill and so many others who came before him, let’s get to work.

Until He’s Finished,
Pastor Mark


May 30, 2024


May 16, 2024