January 23, 2025

Dear Central Church, 

There’s a story told only in the Gospel of Luke in which 10 lepers are healed by Jesus. Shockingly, only 1 returns to give thanks and praise to Jesus for his healing. In a narrative twist typical of Luke, we learn that this lone worshipper is a Samaritan - the last person a first century Jew would expect to offer thanksgiving. 

I wish I knew more of the story of this one who returns to worship. I love his humility and his recognition that God has done something special in his life - something that only God could do! This former leper now finds his delight in being with Jesus, praising Jesus and following Jesus! He’s an example of how we are to live our lives. 

This Sunday, I invite you to join with this leper as we give thanks and praise to God for who he is and what he has done. This is what it means to be a people of “passionate worship.” Our life is lived in response to the grace of God that has been lavishly poured out on our lives. We’ll continue our “Cycle of Victorious Living” series, looking at the invitation to “delight in the Lord’s presence.” 

One faithful response to what God has done in our life is the giving of our tithes and offerings. Many of you will receive a giving statement from our office that details your investment in the mission of God through this local church. Thank you for being obedient to God and trusting our leaders to wisely steward these resources. Here’s what God has done this year through your giving: 

  • 28 people were baptized into the Christian faith

  • 200+ young people heard the Gospel through our Kids and Youth Ministries 

  • 153 people served at Engage Day to bless our community 

  • $202,000 was given to Global Missions through the Church of the Nazarene 

  • 197 different families received a “hand up” from our Food Pantry

As you can see, God is enabling us to live into this vision for our church: 

We are a multicultural church helping people experience God, connect with others, and impact our community with the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

I’m looking forward to what God is going to do in this upcoming year. Let’s join together in prayer and in a spirit of abundant generosity to see lives transformed through Central Church.

Until He’s Finished,
Pastor Mark


January 30, 2025


January 16, 2025