February 27, 2025
Dear Central Church,
It sort of feels like Spring today! It’s a welcomed change from the sub-zero temps of last week. The change in weather reminds me that my favorite season is approaching: baseball season!
Currently, MLB teams are getting ready for the regular season in a series of practices known as “Spring Training.” Even though they are professionals, they are doing fielding drills, throwing exercises, and physical conditioning to prepare for the season.
Can you imagine if teams never practiced but only showed up for games? The uniforms would look the same, players would wear the same numbers, and use the same equipment, but the performance on the field would be noticeably bad!
Recently, I’ve been looking at some statistics that suggest a large percentage of Americans call themselves “Christian” (62%), but only about half of those who claim to be Christian engage in the practices that are distinct to the faith. Our country is filled with “Christians” who don’t pray, meditate on scripture, care about justice, or accept claims of absolute truth. It appears that we live in a world where it’s OK to be a Christian without being a follower of Jesus.
We’re called to more than this! Jesus invites us to not only believe in this Way, but to practice this Way!
I’m excited to begin a new sermon series this Sunday entitled, “Practicing the Way.” It’s based on the best-selling book by John Mark Comer. We still have a few copies of the book available at the welcome center for a suggested donation of $15 (that’s cheaper than anywhere else). Join us for this series as we learn what apprenticeship with Jesus is all about.
I look forward to seeing you Sunday at 9 and 10:30!
Until He’s Finished,
Pastor Mark