J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth) Fellowship
“You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of JOY; At Your right hand are pleasures; Forevermore.” Psalm 16:11, NKJV
Our mission and vision are to be joy-filled disciples of our Lord by providing opportunities for adults, age 50+, to share in fellowship, support, recreation, enrichment, and bonding. It is also to provide opportunities for “Just Older Youth” to use their gifts and talents for service and ministry within Central Church and beyond. Our “Jesus On the Go” JOGGING Ministry finds folks to offer random Acts of Kindness.
Four times a year, we have lunch together in the Fellowship Hall after the second service. We receive a $5 donation for the lunch.
There is Joy in the House of the Lord! Come and “JOY”n us!
For more information about the JOY lunch please call Laura Kampschroeder at 913-888-6606 or contact one of the council members.
Check out some photos of our recent gatherings by clicking the photo below.